Sunday, December 9, 2007


Mari does not hesitate to eat smelly durian, whereas she hates the odor of fish or meat. She gets off such as organ meat and num pla, a fermented fish sauce in Thailand.
Yesterday, I wanted to drink sake and eat kusaya, a dried horse mackerel that dipped in fermented fish sauce. I like it but I have not eaten it after my marriage. I readily cooked it, and she made a great fuss. "Stinky, stinky !" She opened all windows and doors and kept herself in her bedroom. No matter what she says, I think no other fish is tasty than kusaya.
Surströmming, a fermented herring, is a food of north Sweden. It is known as the stinkiest food in the world. I got no chance to taste it, and I would try it once.

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