I made 10 GB of disk image via SheepshaverGUI and allocated 512 MB RAM to it. I booted MacOS 8.5 from the installer CD-ROM on the SheepShaver and installed minimum system into the virtual volume.
The MacOS system on SheepShaver fully recognized the CD-ROM drive, whereas it had a problem to exchange files through OSX. I transferred the old MacOS 8.6 system (sheepshaver unsupports MacOS 9.1 or higher) and many applications in the PowerMac 9500 to the virtual volume on the MacBook by using CD-R. However, the system did not start up at all. I removed the XLR8's G3 accelerator extension from it and succeeded in starting the OS.

I show the screenshot of MacOS8.6 on the Sheepshaver. It is not so comfortable to work on it (it is somewhat unstable), but I can use many old softwares that I had ever purchased.
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